Sunil Gupta | Mercury Rising – Inter* Hermstory[ies] Now and Then | Schwules Museum

Hales is delighted to announce the inclusion of Sunil Gupta in the group exhibition Mercury Rising – Inter* Hermstory[ies] Now and Then in Schwules Museum, Germany. 


This exhibition is dedicated to the past and present of inter* movement(s) in activism, society, art and culture. It explores fragmentary universes and utopias on the topic of intersex issues which, until now has often been filtered and handed down through the gaze of dyadic people, or still is.



Sunil Gupta

Mercury Rising – Inter* Hermstory[ies] Now and Then

Schwules Museum


15 October 2021 – 14 February 2022


For more information please visit the Schwules Museum website here.

October 15, 2021