Gray Wielebinski | Corpse Reviver | Quench

Hales is delighted to announce the inclusion of Gray Wielebinski in the two person exhibition Corpse Reviver at Quench, Margate.


A range of influences and various facets of pop culture insignia inhabit Ishibashi and Wielebinski’s artwork. Exploring how different bodies and identities are represented, embraced, rejected, eroticised and idolised.

Subverting expectations in both brash and subtle ways, the artists utilise forms of seduction and humour in order to interrogate notions of the spectacle, ritual, identity, surveillance and the fine line between beauty and perversion. 



Gray Wielebinski

Corpse Reviver


Cliftonville Avenue




16 July - 14 August 2021


For more information please visit the Quench website here.

July 12, 2021