Ebony G. Patterson | The Threads We Follow | The Southeastern Center for Contemporary Art

Hales is delighted to announce the inlcusion of Ebony G. Patterson in The Threads We Follow, at The Southeastern Center for Contemporary Art through 12 March 2024. 
The Threads We Follow, a group exhibition of fiber-based works by leading global artists. Over several centuries, artists and craftspeople have used fiber to challenge identity-based oppression throughout various global cultures. Many of these artists specifically contemplate the historic devaluation of textiles based upon their association with domestic labor and craft making, where women and communities of color have long interpreted social politics.
Exploring experimentation with structure and form to translate their experiences to materials like thread, fabric, and even hair, creating nontraditional designs including busts, sculptures, and suspended pieces. Ultimately, the works in the show emphasizes the exploratory nature of fiber arts that has continuously allowed space for community-focused experimentation and reflection.

Ebony G. Patterson 
The Threads We Follow
The Southeastern Center for Contemporary Art
750 Marguerite Drive,
Winston-Salem, NC 27106
United States
16 November 2023 - 12 march 2024


November 16, 2023